How To Add Funds To Your EazyBot Wallet
From the Dashboard/Home page: Click on the 2 lines at the top left of the page (top middle on phone) Click on My Wallet Click on Deposit Choose from USDT (TRC20), USDT (BEP20), USDC (BSC), USDC (SOL) Add Deposit Amount *Estimated Processing Fees is also shown with the amount you wish to deposit (Does Not include exchange fees). Copy the Deposit Address Deposit address is a ONE-TIME USE address Deposit address is ONLY Valid for 24 hours Add Deposit Address to UPopularWhen Can I Withdraw My USDT From EazyBot?
EazyBot Withdrawal Requests will be Deposited between 48-72 hours. ENSURE you are withdrawing to a USDT TRC20 Network ONLY wallet. You have to have 2FA Enabled in order to Withdraw from your EazyBot Wallet. If you submit a withdrawal request from your EazyBot wallet and confirm with the One Time Password (OTP) and 2FA, funds will be distributed within 48 - 72 hours. The service charge is 2% plus 2 USDT. You can withdraw a minimum of 10 USDT and a maximum of 999 USDT. You caSome readersHow to Withdraw Funds from your EazyBot Wallet?
You have to have 2FA Enabled in order to Withdraw from your EazyBot Wallet. EazyBot withdrawal requests will be deposited between 48-72 hours. From the Dashboard/Home Click on the 2 lines at the top left of the page (top middle on phone) Click on My Wallet Click on Withdraw Add amount in Withdrawal Amount Requested (You can withdraw a minimum of 10 USDT and a maximum of 999 USDT.) Paste USDT TRC20 Address in Please enter your USDT.TRC20 crypto wallet addressSome readersWhat if I Have Not Received My Deposit In EazyBot?
Some deposits take 10 - 15 minutes but up to 24 hours. If more than 24 hours have passed, please fill out the form below and send a reply to the Support Zoom Email at once the form has been submitted. Note: Please complete the form with the correct information. Incorrect or lack of information will cause delays. Pending Deposit FormSome readersAs EazyBot Takes Its Software Service Fees (SSF) From The EazyBot Wallet, Will I Get A Warning When My Wallet Is Running Low On Funds?
Yes. EazyBot will send you alerts when your EazyBot wallet is running low on funds. Please make sure to download and setup the Business Glu marketing app to receive alerts. Before the funds run out, you will need to replenish the wallet to continue trading and earning with EazyBot.Few readersWhat Other Costs Are Involved?
The costs for the annual packages are: Starter $100 USDT, Advanced $250 USDT, PRO $550 USDT, VIP $995 USDT or VIP+ $1495 USDT. The Software Service Fee (SSF) is 0.4% for Free Trial and Starter subscriptions, 0.3% for Advanced, 0.28% for PRO, 0.25% for VIP, and 0.2% for VIP+ subscriptions for every closed profitable trade. You will also need $20 - $50 USDT worth of BNB (Mandatory for Binance and it also gives you a 25% discount on Binance fees) or KCS (Voluntary forFew readersWhat is the Withdrawal Processing Fee?
EazyBot Deposit Processing Fee is indicated on "Estimated Processing Fee" when you enter an amount you want to Deposit. EazyBot Withdrawal Processing Fee is 2% plus 2 USDT. You can only withdraw to a USDT TRC20 wallet Minimum withdrawal 10 USDT Maximum withdrawal 999 USDT (you can submit multiple requests consecutively)Few readers